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铁路医生----道轨巡检车 & 轨道探伤车
时间:2019/5/28 10:49:56  来源:本站原创  点击:1962


Rail doctor-Automatic rail detection trolley & Rail flaw detection trolley

With the fast development of our society, railway, high-speed railway, motors and jets make our travel become more and more convenient. Over 80% of us travel by train or high-speed railway because they are safe and cost saving vehicles. As a vehicle which is chosen by most of us, we past pay more attention to its safety. Its well known to us all that they run on the rail so the quality of the rail is very important for the safety of the vehicle. So the rail is the core factor to make sure the safety of vehicle running. In the process of running, the inner hurt derives from fabric, heavy load, pressure may cause accidents. So if have found the hurt and tinny scar of the rail in advance, we would keep away from many accidents. At this time, the so-called rail flaw detection vehicle appear.



Perfect have searched and manufacture the rail detection trolley since 2015.It mainly includes four subsystems:drive system,servo system,flaw detection system and electrical control system with character of high detection efficiency,high detection accuracy,site real-time detection,convenient assemble and strong endurance etc.



In order to avoid the trolley droping off from the rail,the wheel dimensions refers to the relevant dimensions of the railway vehicle wheels are designed with flange angle,tread slope,inner arc of the wheel rim,etc.Meanwhile,we apply lightweight design to make it is easy to carry.In the future,perfect will continue to study and contribute to railway safety.



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